If you have not creat Account or locked the Map, you can quickly vote through the quicklyVote command, which integrates the createAccountlockedMAP
Please note that you can only use this command once. No matter whether the command succeeds or fails, this command only packs and combines createAccountlockedMAP commands and does not have the nature of reuse.
USAGE$./markerrevokePendingOPTIONS--keystoreyourkeystorefilepath--rpcaddrHTTP-RPCserveraddress--targetYourtargetvalidatoraddressyoucanqueryitfrom`getTotalVotesForEligibleValidators`command --lockedNum The `MAP` that you want to revoke from your penging votes for validator
RevokeActive 撤銷激活
此命令會將有投票權的 MAP 變成無投票權的 MAP。
增加與您之前在 LockedGold 合約中註冊的帳戶相對應的總數和無投票權的數量。
USAGE$./markerrevokeActiveOPTIONS--keystoreyourkeystorefilepath--rpcaddrHTTP-RPCserveraddress--targetYourtargetvalidatoraddressyoucanqueryitfrom`getTotalVotesForEligibleValidators`command --lockedNum The `MAP` that you want to revoke from your active votes for validator