



// Header represents a block header in the Ethereum blockchain.
type Header struct {
	ParentHash  common.Hash    `json:"parentHash"       gencodec:"required"`
	Coinbase    common.Address `json:"miner"            gencodec:"required"`
	Root        common.Hash    `json:"stateRoot"        gencodec:"required"`
	TxHash      common.Hash    `json:"transactionsRoot" gencodec:"required"`
	ReceiptHash common.Hash    `json:"receiptsRoot"     gencodec:"required"`
	Bloom       Bloom          `json:"logsBloom"        gencodec:"required"`
	Number      *big.Int       `json:"number"           gencodec:"required"`
	GasLimit    uint64         `json:"gasLimit"         gencodec:"required"`
	GasUsed     uint64         `json:"gasUsed"          gencodec:"required"`
	Time        uint64         `json:"timestamp"        gencodec:"required"`
	Extra       []byte         `json:"extraData"        gencodec:"required"`
	MixDigest   common.Hash    `json:"mixHash"`
	Nonce       BlockNonce     `json:"nonce"`

	// BaseFee was added by EIP-1559 and is ignored in legacy headers.
	BaseFee *big.Int `json:"baseFeePerGas" rlp:"optional"`

chunk header 中的 extraData 字段是 rlp 編碼的結果。 編碼前的結構如下:

type IstanbulExtra struct {
	// AddedValidators are the validators that have been added in the block
	AddedValidators []common.Address
	// AddedValidatorsPublicKeys are the BLS public keys for the validators added in the block
	AddedValidatorsPublicKeys []blscrypto.SerializedPublicKey
	// AddedValidatorsG1PublicKeys are the BLS public keys for the validators added in the block
	AddedValidatorsG1PublicKeys []blscrypto.SerializedG1PublicKey
	// RemovedValidators is a bitmap having an active bit for each removed validator in the block
	RemovedValidators *big.Int
	// Seal is an ECDSA signature by the proposer
	Seal []byte
	// AggregatedSeal contains the aggregated BLS signature created via IBFT consensus.
	AggregatedSeal IstanbulAggregatedSeal
	// ParentAggregatedSeal contains and aggregated BLS signature for the previous block.
	ParentAggregatedSeal IstanbulAggregatedSeal

type IstanbulAggregatedSeal struct {
	// Bitmap is a bitmap having an active bit for each validator that signed this block
	Bitmap *big.Int
	// Signature is an aggregated BLS signature resulting from signatures by each validator that signed this block
	Signature []byte
	// Round is the round in which the signature was created.
	Round *big.Int

如果你想獲取extraData的結構化信息。 只需要對 extraData 32 字節之後的其他字節進行 rlp 解碼。 具體的解碼過程可以參考ExtractIstanbulExtra函數

// ExtractIstanbulExtra extracts all values of the IstanbulExtra from the header. It returns an
// error if the length of the given extra-data is less than 32 bytes or the extra-data can not
// be decoded.
func ExtractIstanbulExtra(h *Header) (*IstanbulExtra, error) {

	var istanbulExtra *IstanbulExtra
    // IstanbulExtraVanity = 32
	err := rlp.DecodeBytes(h.Extra[IstanbulExtraVanity:], &istanbulExtra)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return istanbulExtra, nil


計算區塊頭的哈希需要區塊頭中的所有字段。 但是 extraData 需要特別注意,因為 extraData 的長度會影響 hash 的計算方式。 下面根據extraData的長度分兩種情況進行說明。

extraData 的長度小於 32 字節



在計算hash之前,我們首先需要對extraData進行解碼,然後將AggregatedSeal的字段設置為空。 這一步的具體操作可以在下面的IstanbulFilteredHeader函數中找到。 之後,對區塊頭的RLP編碼進行keccak256 hash,得到區塊頭的hash。

// Hash returns the block hash of the header, which is simply the keccak256 hash of its
// RLP encoding.
func (h *Header) Hash() common.Hash {
	// Seal is reserved in extra-data. To prove block is signed by the proposer.
    // IstanbulExtraVanity = 32
	if len(h.Extra) >= IstanbulExtraVanity {
		if istanbulHeader := IstanbulFilteredHeader(h, true); istanbulHeader != nil {
			return rlpHash(istanbulHeader)
    // which is simply the keccak256 hash of its RLP encoding.
	return rlpHash(h)

// IstanbulFilteredHeader returns a filtered header which some information (like seal, aggregated signature)
// are clean to fulfill the Istanbul hash rules. It returns nil if the extra-data cannot be
// decoded/encoded by rlp.
func IstanbulFilteredHeader(h *Header, keepSeal bool) *Header {
	newHeader := CopyHeader(h)
	istanbulExtra, err := ExtractIstanbulExtra(newHeader)
	if err != nil {
		return nil

	if !keepSeal {
		istanbulExtra.Seal = []byte{}
	istanbulExtra.AggregatedSeal = IstanbulAggregatedSeal{}

	payload, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(&istanbulExtra)
	if err != nil {
		return nil

    // IstanbulExtraVanity = 32
	newHeader.Extra = append(newHeader.Extra[:IstanbulExtraVanity], payload...)

	return newHeader


驗證者節點廣播提交消息,消息中攜帶CommittedSealAggregatedSeal 中的 Signature 字段是所有收集到的提交消息中的 CommittedSeal 的聚合簽名的結果

func (c *core) broadcastCommit(sub *istanbul.Subject) {
	committedSeal, err := c.generateCommittedSeal(sub)
	istMsg := istanbul.NewCommitMessage(&istanbul.CommittedSubject{
		Subject:               sub,
		CommittedSeal:         committedSeal[:],
		EpochValidatorSetSeal: epochValidatorSetSeal[:],
	}, c.address)


sub.Digest:區塊的哈希值 sub.View.Round:回合數

func (c *core) generateCommittedSeal(sub *istanbul.Subject) (blscrypto.SerializedSignature, error) {
	seal := PrepareCommittedSeal(sub.Digest, sub.View.Round)
	committedSeal, err := c.backend.SignBLS(seal, []byte{}, false, false)
	if err != nil {
		return blscrypto.SerializedSignature{}, err
	return committedSeal, nil

Convert hash, round, MsgCommit into bytes and concatenate, I can also get a simple seal. MsgCommit is a constant, its value is 2

func PrepareCommittedSeal(hash common.Hash, round *big.Int) []byte {
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	return buf.Bytes()

上面我們通過拼接塊頭的hashround和一個固定的MsgCommit得到了一個簡單的印章, 但這還不夠,因為這個印記,任何人都可以生成。 然後我們還需要用驗證者的私鑰對印章進行bls簽名,得到最終的committedSeal

type Account struct {
	Address common.Address `json:"address"` // Ethereum account address derived from the key
	URL     URL            `json:"url"`     // Optional resource locator within a backend

func (ks *KeyStore) SignBLS(a accounts.Account, msg []byte, extraData []byte, useComposite, cip22 bool) (blscrypto.SerializedSignature, error) {
	// Look up the key to sign with and abort if it cannot be found
	defer ks.mu.RUnlock()

    // a.Address is the address of validator
    // when starting the validator node, you need to unlock the validator account through the `--unlock` flag. When unlocking, 
    // the account's private key and other information will be put into `unlocked`
	unlockedKey, found := ks.unlocked[a.Address]
	if !found {
		return blscrypto.SerializedSignature{}, ErrLocked

    // The private key corresponding to the validator account
	privateKeyBytes, err := blscrypto.CryptoType().ECDSAToBLS(unlockedKey.PrivateKey)
	if err != nil {
		return blscrypto.SerializedSignature{}, err

	blskey, err := bn256.DeserializePrivateKey(privateKeyBytes)
	if err != nil {
		return blscrypto.SerializedSignature{}, err

	sign, err := bn256.Sign(blskey, blskey.ToPublic(), msg)
	if err != nil {
		return blscrypto.SerializedSignature{}, err
	signature := blscrypto.SerializedSignature{}
	copy(signature[:], sign.Marshal())
	return signature, nil

###AggregatedSeal 聚合印章

將所有收集到的消息中的CommittedSeal放入一個二維數組中,第一維存儲 消息列表中消息的索引,第二個維度存儲真實的CommittedSeal。 然後對這個二維數組進行bls聚合簽名。

func GetAggregatedSeal(seals MessageSet, round *big.Int) (types.IstanbulAggregatedSeal, error) {
	bitmap := big.NewInt(0)
	committedSeals := make([][]byte, seals.Size())
    // Get all collected messages
	for i, v := range seals.Values() {
        // IstanbulExtraBlsSignature = 64
		committedSeals[i] = make([]byte, types.IstanbulExtraBlsSignature)
        // get the `committedSubject` in each message
		commit := v.Commit()
        // the commit.CommittedSeal here is the CommittedSeal in the message broadcast by the validator
		copy(committedSeals[i][:], commit.CommittedSeal[:])

		j, err := seals.GetAddressIndex(v.Address)
		if err != nil {
			return types.IstanbulAggregatedSeal{}, err
		bitmap.SetBit(bitmap, int(j), 1)

	asig, err := blscrypto.CryptoType().AggregateSignatures(committedSeals)
	if err != nil {
		return types.IstanbulAggregatedSeal{}, err
	return types.IstanbulAggregatedSeal{Bitmap: bitmap, Signature: asig, Round: round}, nil

將 sig 附加到塊頭的 extraData 字段

// writeAggregatedSeal writes the extra-data field of a block header with given committed
// seals. If isParent is set to true, then it will write to the fields related
// to the parent commits of the block
func writeAggregatedSeal(h *types.Header, aggregatedSeal types.IstanbulAggregatedSeal, isParent bool) error {
	// IstanbulExtraBlsSignature = 64
    if len(aggregatedSeal.Signature) != types.IstanbulExtraBlsSignature {
		return errInvalidAggregatedSeal

	istanbulExtra, err := types.ExtractIstanbulExtra(h)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if isParent {
		istanbulExtra.ParentAggregatedSeal = aggregatedSeal
	} else {
		istanbulExtra.AggregatedSeal = aggregatedSeal

	payload, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(&istanbulExtra)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// compensate the lack bytes if header.Extra is not enough IstanbulExtraVanity bytes.
    // IstanbulExtraVanity = 32
	if len(h.Extra) < types.IstanbulExtraVanity {
		h.Extra = append(h.Extra, bytes.Repeat([]byte{0x00}, types.IstanbulExtraVanity-len(h.Extra))...)

	h.Extra = append(h.Extra[:types.IstanbulExtraVanity], payload...)
	return nil

Last updated

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